Nuances of Marketing online for Musicians

April 30, 2024

The nuances of marketing for musicians are often overlooked. Beyond simply having an idea and putting it out there lies a complex journey. You must identify your target audience, clarify the purpose behind your offer, and determine how to effectively reach them. Additionally, mastering the technical aspects and cultivating a community are essential. As your […]

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Navigating New Year Resolutions: A Journey of Gentle Self-Transformation

January 5, 2024

As the new year unfolds, I find myself eager to embrace fresh goals and resolutions. However, my journey has taught me that lasting change comes from the gradual transformation of habits and behaviors, rather than grand declarations. Consistent Behavioural Change: I’ve learned that the essence of lasting change lies in consistently altering behaviours over time. […]

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Unlock Your Musician Success: A Journey to Sustainable Online Income

December 5, 2023

Are you a musician who crafts brilliant ideas only to be caught in a web of doubt and comparison? Do you find yourself changing your mind, leading to a circular conversation in your head about what’s possible for you? It’s time to break free from this cycle and see your ideas through.   The Challenge: […]

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Creating confidence as a musician by listening to yourself

August 6, 2023

Listening to yourself as a musician When I say listen to yourself, I don’t mean record yourself and listen back, (although that is a great tool for learning). What I’m talking about today is listening to your inner voice. We are so busy rushing from job to job, managing multiple jobs and sometimes children, that […]

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Courage for Musicians

December 7, 2022

What does courage mean to you? So many of us as musicians feel it differently. I took courage to audition for the Swingles at 19 and it paid off. When I was younger I was ok with things being ‘messy’ as I knew I was new at things and couldn’t be expected to know everything […]

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How musicians can build an audience around them

July 18, 2022

Musicians often ask me – How can I build a fanbase of people who will support all I do and buy my albums or courses ? Well the short answer is this – Don’t make it about you!  We are told we must promote what we’re doing. But this in my opinion, (and from the […]

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